Well, we've finally gone and done it.
Yes, friends, 849 Laurel Avenue is officially up for sale. Autumn and I decided to try selling it buy owner. A realtor (why is my spell checker telling me that realtor is supposed to be spelled with a capital "R"? Bah!) who is trying to sell a house we like on Beverly Place, came over last week, ostensibly to chat with us about our options. Well, those options were about how we could buy her house, not about how could sell ours. In fact, were half-way through a cursory tour before I realized she really had no interest in even seeing our house.
Maybe I'm just being a cynic? Perhaps. However, she seemed to have as much interest in helping us sell our house as George Bush has in helping Katrina victims from New Orleans. Weird.
Yet, it seems to me that is she wanted us to sign a contract for Beverly contingent upon us selling Laurel, she would offer a bit of help. She changed her tune yesterday: she offered to come over to talk with us about how to make our house ready to show. Maybe she realized her mistake.
Anyhow: if you know of anyone who is in the market, send 'em our way.
Friday, March 30, 2007
For Sale, Baby!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Test-Driving BMWs for Cancer Research

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Farewell, Spring Break
Saturday, March 10, 2007

March has been a lovely month. A fun one, too, with the freedom of Spring Break for us both. Much has been accomplished over the week+ we had off, from spring cleaning to sleeping in, relaxation & TV marathons to finally meeting our baby nephew during a lovely visit this morning, and even doing some planting. I believe I am what is called a container gardener, and I am loving it. In the past two evenings I've gone through a huge bag & a half of potting soil, 9 or 10 pristine clay pots, and a quarter of a box of plant food. It's been delightful, and I now have a front porch full of herbs, flowers, and baby trees. Oak, pine, and crabapple. Rosemary, basil, spearmint, and lavender. Flowering cabbage & kale. Combined with the perfect weather, heaven is here at home.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Yay, Amazon!
Browse the Dr. Seuss shop on Amazon.com.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Three Degrees of Cool
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Back on the Field
I made (instant) cheesecake pudding for dessert tonight, and it smells so divine.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Ok, It's Official
Oh, and I am feeling serious Spring Fever when it comes to swimsuit shopping and days by the pool. The Swim Shop by Newport News rocks hard. I already have an order on the way!
My goal this week? To post an entry every day. Monday...check!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Red Light Weekend
We've strategically placed boxes of tissues throughout the house, overdosed on OJ & cranberry juice, and gotten lots of sleep. The home remedies seem to be helping, as did some sweet comfort food from Carrabba's, but we were unable to make our little trip north this weekend, to visit our new nephew and check out the Aquarium. That's a sad, sad thing - we were really looking forward to both! Even though this week is our glorious Spring Break, it's full of events, from work stuff to my first softball practice for my hospital's new team - yipee! Hopefully, the weather will stay beautiful, and maybe even get a bit warmer so we can spend more of the sunny days outside, as spring begins to set in...which brings a local favorite, the Cherry Blossom Festival, aka TONS of awesome photo opportunities, especially for sweet J.
Now...back to our lazy TV marathon of HGTV & FoodNetwork, which has made for a lovely evening on the couch, with bonus leftovers from Carrabba's. Bliss with my baby.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Planned Parenthood Newsletter Excerpt
When will the Georgia Legislature stop harassing women and start focusing on PREVENTION? Prevention measures are the best way to prevent unintended pregnancies, not unnecessary intrusions into the doctor-patient relationship. The Georgia General Assembly should focus on policies that help women prevent unintended pregnancies long before a woman enters an abortion clinic. These senseless proposals are not helping Georgia women access the education and services they need.
Please let the members of the House Judiciary (Non-Civil) Committee who voted in favor of this bill know that doctors, not politicians, should decide what information and care to offer their patients. Politicians who are sincere about reducing the need for abortion should focus on prevention, not intrusive legislation.
You CAN help defeat this bill by taking the following 3 steps:
1. Thank the Representatives that stood up for the women of Georgia!
2. Spank the Representatives that voted for this intrusive legislation!
3. Call the author of this bill, State House Representative James Mills, with this message:
I am outraged at HB 147! Please consider other ways of reducing unintended pregnancy through preventive health care, not through intrusive legislation. Doctors, not politicians, should decide what information and care to offer their patients. I urge you to OPPOSE HB 147 and legislation like it!
State House Representative James Mills (R-25): 404-656-5099
Received: March 1st, 2007