Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Movin' On Up!

I've moved to WordPress. Hubby made a lovely new website for me, and I think I am really going to like it over there. Come & see - it's pretty! :-)

All our posts from here have been imported, along with most comments, and as a bonus - all of our initial posts surrounding our wedding extravaganza, from engagement to honeymoon are available on the new blog, which is why we started a website in the first place.

As always, thanks for taking the time to stop by and keep up with what's going on in our lives.
Now click, click, click away... :-)

P.S. I have no beef with Blogger - it's been good to me! Just moving on to something new :-) And, I'll still be around checking in with all my favorite blogs, and browsing Blogs of Note - which is how I've discovered some of my favorites in the first place. Ok, ciao for now!

Carbon Footprints

Our carbon footprint is 52. The average US household of two is 53. The average world household of two is 11. Ouch.

We think we do more than some people, but still we are nearly right on par with the rest of the US. I think some changes are in order...perhaps that is a great daily goal, and a New Year's Resolution, as well. is time to begin thinking of those again.

What's yours?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We Have Moved!

We are finally using our domain name and blogging with WordPress. Visit us at from now on. Bye-bye Blogger.

Could it be True?!

I heard something this morning that made me very happy...and now I so hope it happens!

No Doubt to possibly plan new album and tour in 2009.

Ahh! Pinch me! No Doubt was my first real, true concert experience and it involved an ultra fun road trip to Florida with my BFF, Felicia. We made shirts, scored front row positions on the floor, and missed a day of high school - yeah, it was that awesome. Clearly. So I say, bring it on, No Doubt! Anywhere, anytime - I am so there! :-)


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Table for Two

Downtown for lunch at Market City Café - Fall 2008.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I have a thing for almonds lately.
I've been adding a handful to everything - yogurt, cereal, salads, stir-fried veggies, and more.
They are so full of nutritional benefits...I think I shall keep it up.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Almost that Time Again...

...Christmas is coming, and fast!
I was hoping to start getting the decorations up, but I found lots of other things to occupy my time off work this week, but I still have a few days before Thanksgiving arrives. I am loving this holiday season! Such an exciting & wonderful time.
Christmas 2007.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008's a Coffee Kind of Morning

Sleep in...

Make coffee & try yummy new hazelnut biscotti coffee creamer...

and enjoy instant warmth. morning was a good one.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

They Just Won't Stop

Somalian pirates hijack Saudi oil cargo ship with worth of $100 million dollars.

It's insane that these Somalian pirates can have such an effect on global trading. I hope they will find ways to crack down on this soon...especially now that oil is in the picture. That always gets people talking...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Check this out - first pictures of extrasolar planets. Neato.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Book!

After catching a recent episode of Oprah, my occasional girly-splurge-of-the-day, I learned of this book, the latest installment from the dynamic duo of Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen, and I just had to have it. It's called
YOU: Being Beautiful - I am 97 pages in, and really diggin it. It's a great blend of science, factoids, health, humor, and beauty tips. I will definitely be trying some of these home remedies out, and looking forward to sharing a tip or two along the way.

Oh! And it's getting cold out! Perfect weather for staying in with a book & a cup of my new favorite instant beverage, mocha cappuccino.
Mmmm...what a combo. :-)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Supreme Court Oks Navy Use of Sonar, Even with Whales in Close Proximity

A sad day for whales, marine animals, environmentalists, and caring individuals alike...
With pressure from the outgoing (!) Bush administration to speed things along in the Navy's favor, the Supreme court reached this decision yesterday.

See earlier post to get the background story.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Babysitting Adventures

Sweet little E. likes to stare into my video camera. When it's off, she does all sorts of cute things. Figures, huh? I had a fabulous time with her yesterday! :-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Yay for Unicef Christmas Cards!

Every year Pier One shows their support of UNICEF by featuring these adorable Christmas cards. They are officially out on shelves now, and I know I will be on my way to purchase a box or two very soon, as a fun way to donate to a worthy cause. Which reminds me - J and I had better get busy and take our Christmas card photo soon! I always wait until the very last minute, but this year I want to be different. I am hoping to get the decorations up this month so I can enjoy my favorite time of year for a few extra days. I must be old because the year has absolutely, truly, insanely flown by and I can't even believe the holidays are here. But, I am not complaining - I LOVE this time of year! :-)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Jessie Smith ROCKS!!!

Yay! It was beyond amazing to watch one of my best girl friends rock the stage in her Homecoming Show - she is so good! And she is absolutely going to be famous. Check her out!

And, just think...we used to have sleepovers. We were in the same Sunday School class for years & years. We went to the Biltmore together. She was my bridesmaid, and she sang in our wedding! Memories. <3

November 8th, 2008 - Capital Theatre.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

A Few Post-Election Thoughts...

I am quite proud of Bush's call for progressing forward toward a "more perfect union" and I can really support that.

The world's view of Obama's victory is a fabulous thing to behold and be part of. The display of the feisty American spirit was proof that we are still a country of dreams. I never believed that we weren't, but sometimes it was harder to see the good in the dust of the bad.

Better late than never, I am so glad to have finally found a very articulate expression of why Palin was (sadly) a pawn, rather than a real step forward for women. This is a lot of what I've been feeling all along, and said much better than I could quite put together myself.

And lastly, I want to never forget that history was made last night. I want to remember that I was at work wearing navy blue scrubs, a white long-sleeved shift, and a red headband. That I was sitting at the big table in the breakroom with Lisa H, Ryan, Lisa F, Rita, Joyce, Monique, and Lionelli watching the acceptance speech Obama made. And that I got to be part of history.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Rock & Roll

Congrats to Obama, our new president!

Now I sincerely hope that we can all come together and embrace the changes for good. For our country and for each other...even McCain has vowed to support our new president, and I hope all of McCain's supporters will not choose now to stop listening to him. I admired McCain's graceful concession speech, and I was thrilled by Obama's acceptance speech. Beautiful words for a new beginning.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day

J and I have talked about this before, but I was thinking more today that it seems very odd that Election Day is not a holiday. It is unfair to those who are not able to get off work to vote. Granted, there is the option of early voting, but it also takes place on weekdays during normal voting hours. For example, dayshift nurses work 7a-7p, which leaves zero time before or after work to go to their polling places. I vote Election Day as a paid holiday...or maybe only paid if you show proof of voting? Or perhaps early voting could be open the weekend before Election Day? Either way, it seems extremely odd that Tuesday was chosen as the big day. Nonetheless, there is nothing we can do about it this year. And today is Tuesday, the big day, so get out and vote! :-)

P.S. Check out these awesome perks of voting - kudos to the companies supporting voters!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Home Stretch

Election day is merely hours away now, and both campaigns are in the final stretch. However they choose to use their last hours, I am choosing to use mine positively and support the man I feel is by far best suited for the job, for the country, and for the future. Obama has handled this entire ordeal with grace and professionalism, intelligence and thoughtfulness. I strive to interact with other humans in that light as well, no matter how many ways we disagree. This feat is not always easy, especially when even family & friends can be outspoken in cruel forms. But, it is a goal on my list, and a good one to have.

Obama had this to say in a recent article "Look — we've tried it John McCain's way. We've tried it George Bush's way. Deep down, Senator McCain knows that, which is why his campaign said that 'if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose,'" Obama said. "That's why he's spending these last weeks calling me every name in the book. Because that's how you play the game in Washington." And apparently that's how a lot of McCain supporters play the game as well - but name calling gets us nowhere. So today, make an effort to say all the good things you can about the one you like - but be respectful when someone praises the one you don't like. The world works a lot better that way...and everyone knows the song, so sing R-E-S-P-E-C-T...and practice it!

Sunday, November 02, 2008


We had a very Happy Halloween...more pictures to come soon! :-)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Whale Wars

Animal Planet has a new show that premiers next Friday, and I am SO there!
Finally, cable TV is providing a show that is designated to the ongoing crime of whaling. The show is called Whale Wars and follows the Sea Shepherd though it's adventures against the Japanese whaling fleet that brutally takes the lives of hundreds of whales each year, many on the endangered list, and continues to call it "scientific research". I am a huge fan and follower of GreenPeace and it's ship, the Esperanza, which is notably more peaceful in it's pursuit than the Sea Shepherd, but nonetheless I fully support both in their global conservation crusade. Rock on.

Friday, October 31, 2008

In the Spirit of Unity and Positivity

Thanks to Traineo, I found a link to this awesome site called 43 Things that allows users to list goals, write entries and updates about their set goals, and to connect with, compare, and cheer on the large community of other goal-setters. My list is up to 5 now...and so many more to come! There's also a blog by the creators of 43 Things.

Goals are good for us, and I am in the mood for good.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Throughout Time Weather has Shaped the Course of History...

and now you can learn all about famous examples on this amazing show, When weather Changed History. From the sinking of the Titanic to the Challenger disaster...awesome. Currently watching the Hindenburg episode...and wow.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Obama, infomercial style - tonight at 8pm EST. Tune in!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Special Report: How We Treat the Animals We Eat

Lisa Ling rocks! The Oprah show featured a special report she did on where food really comes from, and it's incredibly interesting.

A farm boy himself, Nicolas Kristof, has some very interesting things to say that shed light on the importance of protecting animals from cruelty, even if you still enjoy eating a hamburger. Gag, but that's just me. I'm glad that I am mostly makes me feel so much more so many ways.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Guess What?

I have a current favorite blog that just spoke some
serious truth, and I think you should check it out, too!

Growing up is a strange thing, indeed...sometimes I am amazed to look at my calendar and see such practical events and reminders, like "call ADT" and "send thank you cards". I am still amazed that I even keep a calendar...and 90% of the time I actually use it! I deserve a pat on the back for that. :-) Anyway, back to the blog - I made a comment on it today for the first time (indeed, emerging from the shadows), and maybe, just maybe, she'll look at my blog, too! Fingers crossed. :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Scary Times

As economy issues continue to build, even my beloved hospital, MCCG, is not immune to the ill effects. This has been a shaky week for many employees due to the cutbacks that have spawned several layoffs, from top to bottom. Fortunately, my job as a hands-on nurse involved in direct patient care is safe and in high demand, but events like this do cause you to step back and be grateful for a good job, even if at times you feel stretched thin to begin with. I hope to always be in a position to support healthcare improvement and investment, both on a local and national level. It is truly one of the most important aspects of society.

Friday, October 24, 2008

New Shoes!

The results of a lovely weekend shopping spree with my mom :-)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

100 Years

Tonight we will celebrate our beautiful historic home's 100th birthday with a belated housewarming, complete with cocktails, cake, and ice cream!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Big $pender

Palin's shopping spree is now out in the open. Wonder if this chunk of change was spent with good old Joe the Plumber in mind, and for the greater good of the rest of the American people, too?

Blegh, I was so hoping this was a farce, but it is looking more and more accurate. Unfortunately so, because many people are cutting back on personal and family clothing allowances at this very minute...not to mention the attempts being made by McCain/Palin to garner votes on claims of sympathy to the economic woes, and on promises to get Americans out of the red...nice. I feel sorry for the people who donated each of those 150,000 dollars to the campaign, thinking their money was going to a cause greater than Neiman Marcus.

In fact, in a recent interview, Palin had this to say when asked if she'd ever struggled with tough economic times: "I know what Americans are going through. Todd and I—heck, we’re going through that right now even as we speak, which may put me again kind of on the outs of those Washington elite who don’t like the idea of just an everyday working class American running for such an office." She also went on to say that: "John McCain and I (will) work that much harder to make sure that our ticket is victorious, and we put government back on the side of the people of Joe six-pack like me, and we start doing those things that are expected of our government, and we get rid of corruption, and we commit to the reform that is not only desired, but is deserved by Americans."

And guess what? The old saying is still true. Actions speak MUCH louder than words.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008


So apparently I cannot poach an egg (too bad because that's my favorite way), but I can scramble them with cheese!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Good Boys

Jokes Instead of Jabs

I caught a few seconds of this last night while buzzing around on a busy night at work, but it was nice to see both candidates in the same room with smiles on their faces. And who knew McCain could crack a joke that was actually funny? ;-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling Productive

Brand new pens. Fresh new season.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who Is Barack Obama?

We hear this question a lot, but often it is not only asked, but answered by someone else. So let's let Barack Obama himself, along with his wife Michelle, his pretty little daughters, and Biden share some insight this time. The video is a bit lengthy, but well worth the watch and includes no sappy, scripted fireside family chats. Just real people doing real, positive things - a family, a marriage that is nineteen years strong, support of the troops and of the American people in general. I like it.

I also wonder...when is the last time we had a president with kids who were still in grade school? Very interesting I hope will be like fertilizer for education and public school systems.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Welcoming Fall with plenty of fun traditions - visiting our favorite pumpkin patch, going to the fair, and feeling the cool, blustery breezes outside as the first signs of color peek out from the trees.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Not a Navy Fan Today

The Supreme Court looked into a case of Navy sonar exercises and the effect on marine life, most notably whales, today. Some of the little power displays and pulling of rank were quoted when military officials had their feathers ruffled by the fact that their offshore doings might even be subject to court debate, and apparently these officials want to use the "military necessity in time of war" reasoning.

Not surprisingly, "the Bush administration's Council on Environmental Quality declared "emergency circumstances" existed, which the administration argues should dissolve the district court's training limitations." With all the money floating around for the war and war efforts, surely there is a better way for them to train. One that does not involve harming endangered whales, dolphins, and at least 37 other species of marine mammals. When offering justification for the sonar exercises, which sound "2,000 times louder than a jet engine" underwater, "Solicitor General Gregory Garre told the court...that no marine mammals will be killed as a result of these exercises" and went on to say they hear the (sonar) sound, and they go in the opposition direction. It also has some temporary effect on their feeding patterns." Yeah, well scientists say that the effect goes more like this: "sonar use can cause hearing loss, cranial bleeding, behavioral modifications and mass strandings". Sounds much more serious and lethal, and I look to scientists, not military officials, for intelligence concerning marine life.

More examples and scientific accounts of the effect sonar has on whales and other marine life can be found here and here. The blatant denial of facts by such a huge operation is deeply saddening...maybe one day the Navy will stop focusing on it's flawed science claims to justify sonar use, and will instead concentrate on investing in ways to improve their technology while protecting coastlines and marine habitats as well.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I heard one of the funniest, most awesome things ever this morning.

After my morning stretch class at the gym, the instructor was showing off photos of her baby, and one of the older ladies in the class happened to look my way and ask if I had any children of my own. I replied "no, just a husband for now" and before I could say another word she smiled at me and said "I'm sure something will come out of that".

Freaking awesome. :-)

Monday, October 06, 2008


Keating Economics

Can't help but to find this video interesting...wonder how many things can stay under wraps, and for how long?


An inspiring truth from Obama concerning McCain/Palin's recent character attacks and denial to face economic issues:
They’d rather try to tear our campaign down than lift this country up,” Obama told a crowd in North Carolina. “That’s what you do when you’re out of touch, out of ideas, and running out of time. So I want all of you to be clear, I’m going to keep on talking about the issues that matter.
(Full article here).
Well said, Obama.
Politics and partisanship or not, that is the kind of person I like to support.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Options, Options

So, I'm thinking about different things lately. I love my job at MCCG, but I still want to check out more of my options. The variety of career paths is why I chose nursing to begin with, and having tucked my first year of experience away I am ready to begin considering new journeys. I want to see more of the world, and our country alone offers many places on my must-see list. California, upstate New York, Seattle, Hawaii, and the list goes on and on. What better way to do that than with travel nursing? I've grown to love orthopedic trauma, so I may stick with it at MCCG and/or explore the Atlanta-area hospitals that offer the specialty unit in the future. I am drawn to the ICU environment, and also think that physician offices and urgent care centers would offer an easy work schedule when I am ready for a break from shift work. I have lots of ideas - I think this is a good problem. Nursing is so flexible.

I am also considering furthering my degree, especially now that GCSU is offering an entirely online RN-BSN program. I still think there are too few incentives to obtain a BSN vs an ASN, but in the meantime while I consider the master/nurse practicioner track, a BSN couldn't hurt. And it wouldn't over-qualify me for the hospital positions that I currently desire. So, like I said...options, options.

Totally unrelated - I am seriously craving Sonic! They are bombarding me with commercials tonight! Yummy :-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Silly Cute Love

A clip from spring of 2007, recorded during our Spring Break trip in Greenville, SC. We rediscovered all kinds of video clips when J finally repaired our Flip video camera. Score!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Scary Waters

No, not referring to a hurricane this time.

A Ukranian ship is currently moored after being seized by Somali pirates.

There are criminals everywhere, even in the ocean. Unfortunately, pirates still exist, and they are not of the Disney variety. Still, hope this incident has a happy ending....

Friday, September 26, 2008

You Go, Paul!

Paul McCartney, my favorite-ever Beatle and all-time top old dude crush rocked Israel in a monumental performance of peace, despite terror threats and turmoil.

Rock on, Paul! <3

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seasons Changing...

I am absolutely in love with the weather this week. I think it's heavenly. Chilly mornings giving way to beautiful, sunny afternoons with temperatures in the 70s, and clear nights that usher in a cool breeze. This week's goal: to spend at least 15 minutes on the patio every single day. Yesterday I enjoyed it so much, I nearly missed my chance to grab a bite before work. A good problem to the days you can get lost in.

Back to reality, this is interesting to me. How will it unfold? Guess we will just have to wait and see, since the weekend is supposed to hold allll the answers.

In other news, a good friend of mine has selected a beautiful name for her baby girl due in January. Isabella. I can't wait for the shower! :-)

So many things to look forward to in this new season of the year.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Two Things of Importance Today

1. To debate or not to debate?

2. I was watching Oprah today and caught a segment on Suze Orman, a financial expert that is part of Oprah's dream team. I thought she had some very interesting and timely things to say about the current (sad) state of affairs in he financial world. She has plenty of resources available, so I may check into a book or two and see how her ideas might fit into our lifestyle. There is always room for improvement.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Getting ready to go out for REI, dinner, and the concert.
Good times!

Outdoors + Live Music = Bliss

We spent the weekend in Atlanta and saw David Byrne at Chastain Park Amphitheater. The music was great and weather was beyond perfect, which made the experience even better.

September 20-21, 2008.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wish Trees

What a glorious concept.
Somewhere in California, you can handwrite a wish and tie it on a tree...
Photo Credit:
The Famous Matt Logelin, via Flickr.
You can also find him here, here, and here.

I highly recommend all of the above, especially if you haven't heard his story. Warning: it's a tearjerker...and a beautiful one, at that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stormy Skies

Driving home after getting caught in the rain during a grocery store run for a few finishing touches to perfect our homemade mexican feast last night.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Fresh Market

The Fresh Market

Finally, Macon is home to a great specialty foods store! We are officially in love with this place, and have already frequented it on several occasions. They offer many of our hard to find favorites like gnocchi, imported specialty beer brews, fresh spices, organic produce, pure peanut butter, a bakery that makes me drool, shelf after shelf of wine selections, and a deli counter that is to die for with its jalapeño pimento cheese, impressive array of pasta salads, and homemade hummus to name just a few. In addition to the pick-your-own six pack of beers, which is my favorite offering, there are also isles and isles of scoop-your-own varieties of trail mix, candy, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate-covered espresso beans, and more.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to Felicia!

Drink Up
Rock Out!

My Beautiful Best Friend, Felly, is 23 Today- I LOVE YOU, CHICKY! :-)

Friday, September 12, 2008

5 Years Together: Now & Then

Celebrating our past and future - September 12, 2008.


Our second date, taken at Stone Mountain - September 27, 2003.

5 Years!

Today J and I are celebrating 5 happy years of being together. On this date in 2003, we met and begin our relationship, which has blossomed through dating, engagement, marriage, graduation, buying a new home together, and much, much more. The fact that we continue to grow and blossom together is by far the best accomplishment of all.

Pictures and an update on how we plan to celebrate to follow.

XOXO to my Sweet J!


After a long bike ride together, we undid all that good and had a delightfully unhealthy dinner at Fondue: A Dining Experience. We had the works - a five course meal complete with drinks (martini for me, beer for J), an appetizer course of Old World Cheddar fondue, caesar salads, a main course full of yummy tidbits for dipping into a red-wine broth including lobster tail, mahi-mahi, vegetables, shrimp (and more!), and finally for dessert, a tray full of goodies ranging from brownie bites and cheesecake to fresh fruit and oreo-encrusted marshmallows to complement a dark chocolate fondue spiked with Grand Marinier. Indeed, we were stuffed to the rafters...but it was something new and different, and a lot of fun to dip and drizzle our way through a special meal.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Labor Day Weekend, Family Style!

First, a long weekend away for a great mountain visit with J's Dad & Sharon, who treat us like royalty and are always fun to be with! After returning home, it was off to my parents' for a cookout and pool party with my cute little cousins. I don't think the holiday weekend could have been better :-)

Also, I can't forget what happened on this day in 2001. I still remember exactly what I was wearing, the high school history class I was sitting in when we first saw the news coverage before all the TVs were cut off, and how my mom hugged my brothers and me extra tightly when we got home from school that day. Everyone aged in some way on that day...I remember.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Yeah, We're a Bicycling Couple Now! :-)

So, J has found a fabulous new way to stay in shape, and now I am completely into it too! Of course, the journey has already been horribly rocky after he was hit by a car less than two weeks after purchasing our fancy bikes, but he recovered well and has been brave enough to get back on the bike, back on the road, and back to his commitment to health and fitness. We have a sweet set of Treks - Lance rides a Trek, too!

We had a great time cycling the trails in Townsend, Tennessee during a wonderful family visit with J's dad & Sharon. That was my first feat - 10 miles. A few days after that, I successfully completed and actually enjoyed a 20.9 mile group ride with the cool dudes from The Bike Store. I even kept up with the boys! :-) Since then, J and I have been out together for a challenging yet fun 15 mile ride in a less trafficy section of town. Now, hubby has been doing these crazy 33+ mile rides, but he's a machine! I just hoping to keep improving - cycling is so much more fun than running, and it's nice to be outside while the weather is nice, rather than indoors at the gym.

So, if you happen to be driving around our town and see a bike, or several bikes, please be cautious and feel free to wave hello! :-)

Friday, September 05, 2008

Can You Name the #1 Song on the Day You Were Born?

Well, now you can! Thanks to my good friend Mary Lou for passing this on :-)

My song is "Out of Touch" by Hall & Oates. Never heard of it before now, and I must say it is painfully 80s, but I am proof that good things did come out of the decade. ;-)

This is a fun thing to do - check it out!

So, what's your song?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


To begin on a lighter note, we are nearing my season again :-) I got an email today from Pier One advertising it's self-proclaimed Awesome Autumn deals. Sweet! While I am melancholy about bidding farewell to summer, fall is a fun time.

Now...the real issue on my mind. I am truly sick of election's so sad that it causes such deep divides between people who don't vote the same way, even people who are related. For instance, it's especially sad that my own brother-in-law can only respond to things he finds negative, and somehow overlook all the positives that a person, a mind, or even a blog has to offer. It's sad that people will avoid each other for months on end just because they can't agree to disagree. It's sad that each side wants to shout unity, but apparently there is nothing further from unity than an election. Everyone gets their own opinion, and everyone is allowed to display those outlooks, but they have to do it in a caring manner...why try to hurt another person, or take everything as a personal attack?

Granted, I am relatively new at this thing - in fact, this is only my second election being eligible to vote. Was it always this way? I shudder to's sad that we keep falling into this trap, this little hamster wheel of thinking someone is lesser if they do not agree with our point of view. The angriest of those viewpoint holders seem to be the ones who think they aren't doing the name calling...or the damage. Once again, it's sad. Why can't we all just get along?

P.S. Currently watching the RNC so I can get an idea of "both sides". Not getting into it, but I will say this from an entirely pro-environment point of view: Clean coal? Seriously? Hello, oxymoron!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bouncing from One Big Storm to Another...

I read long ago that all predictions pointed toward an active hurricane season, and they just might have nailed it this year...

The latest update on Hurricane Central boldly states:
"All interests across central and southern Louisiana should prepare for deteriorating conditions during much of Monday. All measures to protect life should have already been taken by this point."

Scary. I sincerely hope Louisiana is able to fare better this time around. This only reinforces the fact that I need to get over to experience New Orleans sooner than later!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Tropical Depression Fay

Thanks to The Weather Channel for this cool find:

Timeline of Fay

Fay was a truly remarkable storm, and is not quite done for the rest of the States, though I think we are finally in the clear. Days of rain, wind, thunderstorms, then a rampage of tornado threats - thankfully, none of which effectively materialized. (!)

And, poor Florida! Look how it was picked on - I've never seen a storm stay so focused on one state...amazing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

College Hill Corridor

Sounds like some really cool things are coming our way, and we couldn't be happier!

Not only are there bicycle & pedestrian friendly initiatives to this project, but the yummy promise of a Jittery Joe's that just can't get here fast enough.

Go Macon! :-)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Living on the Edge of a Tropical Storm

T.S. Fay has been quite an interesting storm, and it is far from over.
We've been fortunate and safe so far with just a few rain showers and some wind, but there is surely more to come tonight. Yes tonight, when we are supposed to get all dressed up and go to MSC's "Welcome Back" cocktail buffet party. I think it rained on us last year, too. But in all seriousness, best of luck and safety to those south of us. It's been a long week for them, and not over yet. Two of my close friends, E & J, recently moved to Orlando, and barely had two weeks to settle in to their new apartment before this storm was on top of them. I think they have now been officially initiated, Florida style. You guys are in our thoughts!

In other news, this Bigfoot hoax is just getting sillier and sillier. Of course they were Georgia boys, too. Way to go guys - I think the grossest tidbit of news came out today. The costume was actually stuffed with roadkill. Somebody had to put it in there, right..? Ew.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

No A/C in August?!

Today's Forecast:
Today: Mostly sunny. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. Heat index near 110F. High 99F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.

Yeah, you saw it with your own eyes: 99+ degrees outside and we have no A/C upstairs! Yesterday afternoon our air suddenly decided to start blowing out hot air instead of cool air, and the entire second floor quickly became a sauna. We called our A/C people right away, and have an appointment today., but the technician just cannot get here fast enough, please please please hurry!!!

Oh, and the best part of this story? We finally splurged on that Tempur-Pedic mattress we'd been pining after for months, and it was delivered yesterday at noon, only moments before the A/C quit and prevented anyone from enjoying it last night. How sad is it to sleep on the couch knowing there is an amazing, soft and heavenly, brand-new Tempur-Pedic waiting upstairs? Life is so unfair sometimes!

Wish us Luck :-)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Blogging from my sweet iPhone. How cool is that? Autumn sez hi.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Too Much Togetherness

How could this be possible, you might ask? :-)

Now, don't get me wrong - I love my hubby and I love to share nearly everything with him. But he is being much too generous lately, and has passed his germy bugs right on to me. Not only have I never had a cold in the summer, but my symptoms have now officially outlasted his. It's just enough to be annoying, and it seems we have had exactly the same thing, whatever it is.

It all starts out with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a full-blown sore throat, then sniffles complete with a simultaneously stuffy and runny nose. Lovely, huh?

Ick. Blah.

On a happier tone - today was a good day. J's iPhone arrived in all its glory, and it is just as amazing as we expected. Worth the wait to get the best one, for sure. I went shopping with my mom, my aunt successfully completed her first chemo treatment, my grandmother won a quarter playing bingo (too cute!), and we celebrated Sarah's birthday in style at the yummy Bonefish Grill. See - I can't complain forever when I am this fortunate :-)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Addiction

Now I am fully covered - XM for home & car, and now Pandora radio for my computer!

Thanks for the intel, J. Like I needed something else to vie for my freetime ;-)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

We Got New Bikes Today!

In a flash of Jerry-inspired hype, we purchased two awesome Trek bicycles from
The Bike Store and the guys rocked - they built our bikes in record time, included deals on helmets, water bottles, future services, info on group rides, the works - even a sweet little bell to make my bike complete! :-)

We found this resource so far, and look forward to getting used to our bikes and then getting involved in some of the local cycling adventures. I am always afraid for the street bikers safety (I am an ortho trauma nurse, after all) but now I think I might want to be one of them. How'd that happen? :-)

Busy week - we had overnight company and hosted a fabulous Cocktail Hour on Thursday with lots of great food, beverages, friends, and laughs.
Good times!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Two Points for Fruit!

Hehe - check it out:

Watermelon may work like Viagra.

Today's top news story, for sure. :-)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Funny Stuff

This is awesome! :-)

Award for Parked Car

Totally how I parallel park...even in my tiny car! Luckily, I have J's AWESOME directorial skills to rely on when this type of parking is absolutely necessary...well sometimes. ;-)

(Found on Reddit via Google Reader)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh, TV. I Shouldn't, but I Love You.

My new favorite show! Well, in addition to this one. :-)

Thanks to my beautiful long weekend of six days off from work, I have allowed myself to lounge around and watch marathons of TV both with hubby and without. It's great. We've also spent time with friends, time with family, and time together. Swoon.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Girls!

I love these ladies!
Felicia visited her Georgia family, and the three of us enjoyed a long-awaited reunion.
Life is good and lifelong friends are amazing.
June 2008.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Heavy Weather

Hard to believe that only one hour before this happened I was sitting at this very table enjoying the afternoon sunshine. A crazy-quick storm blew in out of nowhere and wreaked havoc on our poor little patio, mangling our umbrella beyond repair, toppling our table and chairs, and shattering flowerpots and candle holders.

We think the table will be fine once it's bolted back together...and hopefully our water will be back 100% soon. Yes, we'd never heard of losing water before either, but this is the second time it's happened this year due to storms. Why can't it just rain anymore, without all these threats?

J started reading Heavy Weather during our vacation, and I'm next! Seems scarily fitting, huh?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Felicia's Visit

We had a blast, as you can see. :-)
Lifelong friends ROCK!
June 2008.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Let's Go Back

Missing the beach already...

Sweet Siesta Key, FL.
May 2008.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Honeymon Video

Since we just celebrated our second anniversary, I put together a video of our honeymoon photos — finally! — featuring "Doin' Everything with You," by Chuck Mangione. Happy anniversary, babe. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day Five: Home, Sweet Home

Made it home safe and sound, pulling into the driveway around 3:00 pm. We shared the driving duties, traded off iPod time, and traveled under a cloudy gray sky for the entire 350 miles home. That type of icky weather made it a tiny bit easier to leave Florida behind, but already I am accosted by calls from work with scheduling questions, have unpacked us both and started a load of laundry, and J washed the car. Blah - we're back to reality. But it was a BEYOND SWEET trip and we are always thankful for safe travels. I already can't wait to get away again soon, but it's nice to be back to our own bed for now. We enjoyed lots of amazing seafood, fine adult beverages, beautiful beach memories were made, and we discovered Siesta Key together, which is now officially on my list of top beach destinations. It was truly swoon-worthy, refreshing and recharging. And now we are relaxing on our couch catching up on the American Idol season finale: home, sweet home. The End.

Update: Yaaaaaay, David Cook! We were so sure this finale was not going to go the way we hoped, but it did! :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day Four: Early Morning Sunshine (of course)

I set our alarm to go off early so I could run down for one last visit with the beach, weather permitting. Of course the sun was shining brightly since it was our last day in Siesta Key, but I couldn't feel too betrayed since it also meant I could squeeze in one more hour of tan time, water time, and general frolicking on the beach time. Besides the hardcore deeply-tanned local beach joggers, I was one of the first people on the beach, snagging a beach chair and a prime spot to enjoy the panoramic view of the ocean. I finished my book, snapped a few final pictures, and collected two of the most perfect shells I've ever seen - they washed up right next to my beach chair, so really, they found me. The water was more clear today than ever before, and I waded around before returning to my chair to bask in the sun until the last minute possible. I took it all in and then returned to the room to find Starbucks waiting for me while I packed. (Thanks, hubby!)

We leisurely made our way up to Tampa and stopped in at the International Plaza Mall, which is my new favorite! Lunch at Champp's and shopping at the Apple Store for J, Forever 21 for me. Let me just say I scored majorly in the fashion department - yay! :-) We checked into a hotel for the night and took in an IMAX movie at MOSI, Roving Mars = way cool. We ventured down to Ybor City for beer and some of J's all-time favorite fabulous pizza at Demmi's Market on 7th. After returning to our hotel to doze along with the HBO movie channel and reading in the cabana by the pool, we hit Bennigan's for a late dinner to split a sandwich and dessert - no less than Death by Chocolate to serve as our vacation grand finale meal, oh yes. Then we cozied up and watched Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer...predictable, but decent. Tomorrow brings the journey home, whether we are ready or not.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day Three: Rain and More Rain

Anniversary Day!

Our anniversary started off with a fantastic breakfast of eggs benedict at First Watch, my first visit to Whole Foods, and some shopping in downtown Sarasota - used books for J and special anniversary earrings for me - our tradition. :-) We drove through St. Armand's Circle, but it wasn't as easy to appreciate it's bevy of beauty through the torrential downpour. We circled through, pointed out all the things we would have liked to see and do, and turned back toward Sarasota. After an enjoyable and extended pitstop at Borders, we left with a sack full of books and got soaked outside once again. A light lunch at The Hub/Baja Grille with draft beer, salad, chips & queso was just what we needed as we waited the rain out, and now we are back to the room where I am ready to hit the beach despite the little rumble of thunder that just sneaked through our hotel walls.

Just like the day before, the clouds parted by late afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day soaking up the sun until it was time for it to depart. I lounged on the beach for hours, walked with J to the rocky point at the end of the shore and collected more shells until he grew jealous of my seashell obsession (indeed, it's a new favorite thing of mine!!) and retreated inside to clean up for dinner and read books. I stayed outside a bit longer, checked out the pool for a few laps, then showered up for our nightly ritual of cocktails and sunset appreciation before dinner. The clouds that had rolled in parted briefly for some final pink sun rays and then the hazy and lazy neon-glow gave way to the gorgeous full moon that accompanied our entire trip, and we made our way back to St. Armand's to dine al fresco at The Columbia, which never fails to wow. We split a famous "1905 salad" with the mythically tasty crusty cuban bread, tapas for two, and a side of Valencia rice. This "light" alternative to full entrees was far more than enough food for two people, and we made a pact then and there to share more food since it's often wasted with the gigantic portion sizes that are the unfortunate norm. We strolled the circle and stopped in at Kilwin's for a cone of banana-fudge-pie ice cream that rocked my world before heading back for one final night at our beloved little beach resort. This area of Florida intrigues me - we've run into families today from both England and Germany, and our hotel neighbors have interesting European accents that I can't quite place. And I thought our drive was a long one... :-)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day Two: Rain, Rain Go Away/Rainy Monday

Huge storm rolled through around 4:00 am and woke us, but it's fury passed quickly and we were able to sleep in until Starbucks called and wanted us to donate to their cause. And we did. Mmm, caffeine. :-)

After a lazy morning, we decided to hit the beach and got all suited up only to discover it was drizzling outside. We decided to wait it out a little while before giving up, and parked it in the cabana with books in hand. After taking a couple of polaroids and reading exactly 1.5 pages, the small but mighty swarm of mosquitoes chased us back in to our room. We changed clothes again and decided to do some driving and sightseeing in our dry, bug-free car. There are tons of beautiful sea-mansions around here, and lots of them for sale! We scouted out a few more places to eat dinner, checked out Siesta Key Village, and headed into Sarasota for some shopping. I got the awesome pair of shoes I've been pining after for the past week at Dillard's while J browsed a cool kitchen store, and after a couple more shopping stops, I grabbed some Rain-kissed Leaves lotion and Dancing Waters body mist from Bath & Body Works (perfect beach purchases!), and we set out to find lunch. Sweet Tomatoes was our pick today, and I was in veggie heaven. Rows and rows of salad stuff, soup, pasta, and bread with nearly zero meat in sight - yay! I loved it, and took pictures to remember it by. By this time the rain had ceased, and we could see little patches of blue sky...but my heart didn't sing for long, as the drops started to fall again as soon as we turned in the direction of our hotel. Still, this weather makes for a nice afternoon siesta, and I'm starting to understand why they named this key so aptly. Maybe my sunny dreams will come true when I wake, and I can finally lay on the sand...until then, yawn.

Fast forward to about 4:30 pm:
Beautiful afternoon on the beach, breezy and sunny = perfect for tanning! I picked up a gazillion shells, each more lovely than the last. J retired to the room a bit earlier than me to browse photos and such, but I stayed out until my skin started to turn pink, then after showering up, purchasing postcards (loved ones watch your mailboxes!), and enjoying some super-delish mixed beverages, mango rum (for me) and Maker's Mark (for J) , we returned to the beach for sunset pictures and enjoyed the sights. Dinner at S.K.O.B. - that's Siesta Key Oyster Bar for you non-locals ;-) It was fabulous! Grouper bites with buffalo remolaude, a Vampiro for me (a margarita with lots of bells & whistles, including hibiscus and ginger!) and a Lobster Pot Pie, with LongBoard on draft for J and a jerk-seasoned shrimp & scallop skewer dinner that looked great. Yum-O!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Anniversary Trip Journal - Day One: We Made It!

(To catch anyone up to speed who doesn't already know, J and I are celebrating our second wedding anniversary in Siesta Key, FL.)

Loooong drive for us both, due to my lack of sleep and the fact that J's drive actually started in TN, making it a 12-hour trip. Still, we enjoyed the ride, shared the driving duties, and are digging all the space in the CRV.

We stopped by ABC for some goodies before arriving at our destination, the lovely gulfside Tropical Shores around 7:30pm catching a couple of sunset rays on the way to check in. It's beautiful here! Our room is nice and clean, very cute with it's little kitchen and lighted cabana out front, complete with a giant grill, table, and decorative jungle setting. I highly recommend this place - great rates and a great place to stay. Yay! :-)

Dinner took us to Captain Curt's for Crabby Red draft beer, crab cakes, fried shrimp for J and a yummy Cheese-Snapper-in-Paradise sandwich for me. Cute atmosphere, and within walking distance. After dinner, we walked down to the beach and J laughed at me as I snatched up beautiful seashells. Tonight we greeted sleep early and eagerly, in preparation for the fun to come.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Macon Diner

If you live in or near Macon, you MUST try this place!
Macon Diner is everything a diner should be -- open 24/7, decked out in neon lighting, a jam-packed menu that offers everything from Greek cuisine to burgers and fries, to the spinning display case of tasty-looking homemade desserts up front.
We were greeted warmly by all employees, our server was ridiculously attentive, and the food was plentiful and yummy!
It's located on Tom Hill next to El Azteca - you can't miss the cheesy grand-opening decor surrounding the building, and don't let the giant inflatable gorilla deter you! :-)

Monday, April 28, 2008

This Blog is a Must

I randomly stumbled onto another blog that led me to this one, and now there is no turning back. This story will touch your heart on a much truer level than anyone at Hallmark could ever dream of.

Matt, Liz, and Madeline

Wow...I am sending all the positive energy in the world to this guy and his sweet baby girl. Amen.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Travelers on the Road to Nowhere.
Bryson City, NC.
April 2008.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Open Windows

Spring is here to stay!
The weather has been warm and beautiful, and we've enjoyed letting it inside.
March 2008.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Fever

Giving the bike a bath before a weekend ride.
Too bad the pollen came in waves shortly after...but that's spring for ya.
Our yard has given us a lovely surprise and blossomed with azaleas in several shades of pink!
March 2008.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekend Grillers

Delicious beverages with amazing grilled veggies and special Jerry burgers!
Beautiful weather, beautiful weekend, good times with the one I love.
We have a fun life together.
I am thankful.