Now why do you think good ol'
Norman Mailer's photo is next to an article about
American Idol's odd but infamous star, Sanjaya? Interesting little combination to say the least. (Enlarge image for best results) Thanks for the humor,
Google News. :-)
Busy day: Took my last regular exam, and went out with a bang. Yay! Celebrated with friends and classmates Sarah & Mary Lou by picking up our caps & gowns, purchasing our Nightingale Lamps for our pinning ceremony, enjoying a lovely lunch at Ruby Tuesday, and some browsing for graduation dresses. So much fun. But the exams didn't stop there - I completed the medication test to begin my orientation as an RN at
MCCG, aced it, and contacted my new floor's director to let her know I was ready to transfer as soon as they'll have me. Shouldn't be long now at all...only two exams, a quiz, and Boards separate me from becoming a registered nurse. Though these last days are stressful ones, my friend Martha said it best: THINK RN! And that's what I'm doing. But not tonight - I am wiped out, and ready to spend some time with
TiVo before I fall asleep. 'Night!