Busy day: Took my last regular exam, and went out with a bang. Yay! Celebrated with friends and classmates Sarah & Mary Lou by picking up our caps & gowns, purchasing our Nightingale Lamps for our pinning ceremony, enjoying a lovely lunch at Ruby Tuesday, and some browsing for graduation dresses. So much fun. But the exams didn't stop there - I completed the medication test to begin my orientation as an RN at MCCG, aced it, and contacted my new floor's director to let her know I was ready to transfer as soon as they'll have me. Shouldn't be long now at all...only two exams, a quiz, and Boards separate me from becoming a registered nurse. Though these last days are stressful ones, my friend Martha said it best: THINK RN! And that's what I'm doing. But not tonight - I am wiped out, and ready to spend some time with TiVo before I fall asleep. 'Night!
I heard the hip-hop community likes to use his photo, too. Weird.
You know it! :-)
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