Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Too Much Togetherness

How could this be possible, you might ask? :-)

Now, don't get me wrong - I love my hubby and I love to share nearly everything with him. But he is being much too generous lately, and has passed his germy bugs right on to me. Not only have I never had a cold in the summer, but my symptoms have now officially outlasted his. It's just enough to be annoying, and it seems we have had exactly the same thing, whatever it is.

It all starts out with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a full-blown sore throat, then sniffles complete with a simultaneously stuffy and runny nose. Lovely, huh?

Ick. Blah.

On a happier tone - today was a good day. J's iPhone arrived in all its glory, and it is just as amazing as we expected. Worth the wait to get the best one, for sure. I went shopping with my mom, my aunt successfully completed her first chemo treatment, my grandmother won a quarter playing bingo (too cute!), and we celebrated Sarah's birthday in style at the yummy Bonefish Grill. See - I can't complain forever when I am this fortunate :-)

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